Friday, March 7, 2025

Church Notes on the 3rd Commandment

While a lot of the comics here have appeared in Reformed Perspective, a magazine I helm, this one didn't make it because when I posted it to social media, the online feedback showed that a lot of people thought it mocked the very Commandment – Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain – that it was in fact defending. This is by my daughter, and the rough version was completed in church as we listened to a catechism sermon on Lord's Day 36 of the Heidelberg Catechism

The creative spin here was the third point my daughter raised, which wasn't part of the pastor's sermon - that the "reveal" in home renovation shows almost always has people taking God's Name in vain. 


Friday, December 27, 2024

Cartooning with my daughter

 My wife got both my and my daughter some fun alcohol makers. Never heard of these things before, but my middlest showed me how to have some fun with the shading. This was the first result. I draw the three characters, and got AI to help with the background. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

If books evolved....

This is another illustration from Reformed Perspective. I had permission to reprint a very funny, very insightful article by Dr. Jason Lisle called, On the Origin of Articles
in which he speaks of how a book, like The Hobbit must not have been written, but rather evolved, copying error upon copying error, from an earlier work.

So that got me wondering, what might that earlier work have been? So this is one possible "tree of life" for the the evolution of The Hobbit. What came before Hohoho, we don't know, but we do know that there was something, because, after all, The Hobbit exists, and since we know there is no Author, there must have been earlier ancestors.

Monday, April 29, 2013

If cool is your only rule, you are a fool

If I could go back in time and tell myself a few instructive things, one of them would be to stop worrying about looking like an idiot. As John Piper puts it, "risk is right." I wasn't the most daring sort, and by playing it safe I pretty much escaped looking like an idiot. But it also meant that I took way too long to track down my wife and ask her out. So what was I so worried about? Looking silly? The problem is, no risk, no reward - safe is also quite joyless, boring and ungodly.

Ungodly? Really?

Yes, the young man who risks nothing bears a striking resemblance to the fellow who wanted to play it safe by burying his talent. That way he was sure not to lose it. And also sure not to make anything of it. God expects men to be manly. Again, as Piper puts it, "better to lose your life than waste it."

If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a high resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

This is what a dad does

Another illustration from Reformed Perspective.

If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a higher resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pro-abortion argument countered

Another one I did for my magazine.

Pro-abortion advocates argue abortion must be legal because it is unacceptable for women to lose control of their bodies, which they would if they were, after becoming pregnant, forced to carry the baby to term. What is forgotten here is that men have in the past, when it was a matter of life and death, also lost control of their bodies, being drafted into the military, and sent to defend their country. What would be unacceptable normally, in life and death situations may become necessary.

So the real question, then, is whether abortion is a life and death situation. Or, to put it another way, it comes down to "What are the unborn?" If they are human like you and me, then this is a life and death situation.

If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a higher resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Organitioner 3000!

This is an ad for a product I can only wish existed!

If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a high resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dental orientation

If all minorities need to be inserted into our Charter of Rights, what about this one?
If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a high resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).

Friday, April 20, 2012

Politicians don't lie...

The impression is that politicians lie a lot. But is that true?

No. Politicians lie only rarely, but they avoid the truth much more often. Instead of giving us clear choices, and present us their positions in an upfront manner, we instead hear vague generalities, meaningless postures, or positions that no one could possibly disagree with (who exactly is against motherhood and apple pie?). They don't lie to us, but they don't tell us truth either, because they most often don't tell us anything at all.

If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a high resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

If there is doubt...

If there is doubt, you can't kill. That's a fact we only understand - there is no question, but that it would be immoral for this demolition expert to push the plunger before he is certain that there is no human life within. And yet sometimes abortion is defended on the basis of the claim "No one knows when human life begins." But if we don't know, then we can't be certain that the unborn aren't indeed precious human beings. And as long as we have doubts - if we aren't sure then, whether human life lies within - we can't kill!

If you would like to use this comic in your publication you can find out how to get a one-time use permission for just $10 US by clicking here or by clicking on the "Buy Cartoons" tab at the top of the page. After you've made the $10 payment you can download a high resolution image of this comic here (right click the image to download it).